Varfolomeyeva Efimija (Nina)




Varfolomeyeva Efimija (1919 Aleksandrovka, Krasnoajarsk region – 1994, Asbest) was russian naive artist. She was born into a peasant family. Since 1951she lived in the city of Asbest in the Urals, she has worked as a house painter. She began to paint in 1973, and participated in exhibitions of amateur artists, she had two solo exhibitions. Most of her works made on paper in watercolor and gouache. They are devoted to childhood memories: the evening in a village hut, village festival, a trip into the forest to collect firewood, grazing herd of dancing couples riders. The artist had a great visual memory, thanks to which she restores many of the details of the past. She had the gift of drawing, quickly grasping the characteristic movements of figures depicting animals well. Her works is a contribution to Russian naive art, along with works by I.M. Nikiforov – a rare example of life-paintings, they may also be regarded as documentary evidence of the past life.

“Amateur artists – Motherland”, Moscow, 1977;
All-Union Exhibition, Moscow, 1987;
“Golden dream”, 1992; INSITA-94, Bratislava;

Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve;

World Encyclopedia of Naive Art, London, 1984. P. 588.