Ariadna Arendt





I was born on the black sea, in Crimea and named Ariadne after my great-grandmother – an animalist sculptor and theosophist. My parents and I moved to London from Moscow when I was four. I studied art history at The Courtauld Institute and afterwards did a master’s at The London Consortium, writing about werewolves in Russian culture. I worked a lot on exhibitions of outsider art at The Museum of Everything and also at festivals with The House of Fairy Tales as well as my own creative projects: Radio Gagarin music nights, DJ Mourrka – my feline alter-ego, Theatre Borscht: a travelling vegetable puppet show, and sometimes writing.

Most of my close relatives are artists, so sometimes I adopt pseudonyms not to flood the market with too many Arendts. Ariadne Aivazovsky refers to my tenuous connection with our distant relative the pompous 19th century marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky who lived in my birth town of Feodosia.